Bangladesh has made significant progress in terms of food production and agricultural systems, yet, but ensuring nutrition and safe food for all and a resilient agriculture system remains a challenge for the massive population and subsequent climate vulnerability. A systems perspective to food and agriculture is crucial to understanding how food and agriculture works and its significance to our lives and the environment. While thinking about agriculture we need to recognize that it is both an environmental system as well as a social and economic system. In addition, it is important to see agriculture as another form of an ecosystem and that there is a wide range of agro-ecosystem. On the other hand, food systems include production, processing, transport and consumption of food and food related items, where economics, sustainability, and health aspects of food also needs to be considered.
Our approaches: supporting community uptake of SuPER (Sustainable, productive, equitable and resilient) agriculture practices; Empowerment of women, and social norms change to support equal control of resources and inclusive decision-making; women’s access to assets and production services; promote LSP’s to provide services and technology; integrating market-based approaches and Ecology based adaptation ((EbA) and advocacy
Focus of Food & agriculture systems:
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