Serving the stigmatized
Sahanaj Begum is considered to be integral to the GFPWID project for her insurmountable contribution to the HIV intervention where she has been working for the last 19 years. Her sincerity and dedication towards her work and empathy towards female injecting drug users, is what she is known for within the community that she serves. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Sahanaj has not taken a single day off. She has worked consistently, going from door to door reaching out to those in need of health products and services.
As a female community organizer, working for a stigmatized community comes with its own set of obstacles, with the added pandemic it has become even more challenging. But that has not discouraged Sahanaj or stopped her from providing her services. She believes the needs of the participants is of utmost importance, which is why she is considered a true hero by the people she has been able to help.
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